Calvin R. Decker

Two wheels, going fast, jumping off stuff have been part of my life since I remember. When I was three, I tried to take a tricycle off a six foot drop out a door with no porch or stairs. I started racing BMX at five and Motocross at six. In my early teens, mountain biking caught my interest and since took over my life. Longer rides led to even longer ones, and a desire to see the world lead to touring. Touring and racing lead to bikepacking.
I grew up in the central Hudson Valley of NY, and never imagined an adult life there. I thought I'd go west, but a Ski Patrol job at Killington made me fall in in love with Vermont. I still call myself a Vermonter (the t is silent) even though I know I'm not. Love and weird job luck brought me back to the Hudson Valley last year, and opportunity will keep me here for a few years, until one day I'm back in the Green Mountain State.
While bicycles may seem like my entire life, active adventure and seeing the world under my own power are the core of my existence, and bikes just happen to be my favorite vehicle. The best compliment I've ever heard is when Beth said "If you have one skill, it is knowing how to avoid people," after a hike in the Catskills, saturday afternoon, Fourth of July weekend, and we saw NOBODY else.I have another blog,
I have been less active in the last two years primarily due to not loving the format, and wanting to start a new site before adding content. I will link back and forth, and some content may be doubled here.