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March Planning Update

Our start day for NFCT is drawing near. We are working hard to get all of our gear together, even building some of it. Calvin is building our canoe wheels and refining my barrel pack. I am working on "cheat sheet" notes for the trip based on maps and our guide book -- things like mileages, and food availability. In addition to all of this, we have a termite infested apartment and have made the decision to move out before our trip. We have a beautiful spot right on the Hudson River and would like to come back to our place after our trip, but sometimes the hard decision is the right decision. Already, we knew we would be moving at the end of our lease and that we need a bigger place for all our hobby gear. It's an unfortunate circumstance that will add stress to our trip planning, but it will be for the best.

We hope to share with you soon what gear we are packing/have built.

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About the Authors

Calvin and Beth met each other in early 2015. They clicked immediately and became adventure lovers. They are currently happy to be together in the Hudson Valley of New York and are seeking the next adventure!

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