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Stories Worth Telling
(Or at least we think so)

The Past Few Weeks on Trail
We've just arrived in Rangeley, Maine and are looking forward to working our way up to Fort Kent from here. Vermont and New Hampshire...

Day 14: On the Missisquoi
No one bothered us about camping on the beach. In fact, the caretaker greeted us the next morning without issue. We walked the 2 miles...

Day 13: Lake Champlain Crossing
The alarm went off at 4am to roll out of bed, eat a quick breakfast, break camp, and be on the water of Lake Champlain by 5:10am. Knowing...

Day 12: They See Me Rollin
We woke early to get a good start on a long day. About 6 miles of flatwater to Cadyville/Kent Falls and from there we decided to walk to...

Day 11: Back on Trail
Pete dropped us off early and we were on the water in Clayburg by 7:00am. The weather was much like the day we had gone "swimming" and it...

Week One in Brief
We set out from Old Forge a little later in the morning than we had hoped, but ate a yummy breakfast beforehand. With beautiful skies...

Day 7: A Chip off the Rock
We had talked about practicing rapids together before we left on our trip. Somehow, everything else we needed to plan came first instead....

Day 6: Meh
The best word to describe today, is 'meh'. My mom laughs when I use that word. The sun was not out today. Nothing went bad, but nothing...

Day 5: And Then There Was Blood on the Tent
The morning was wonderful today. Everything after that went a bit downhill. We woke to a bug free campsite and could enjoy breakfast. The...

Day 4: Falafel-afel-afel
Today began with the carry past Raquette Falls. It was a little bit over a mile. We started by carrying gear, but switched to wheeling...
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